Do you play uke? Ever wanted to play an ‘Electric Ukulele’ and shred like a rock star on a big distorted amplifier stack? Electric Ukulele Land is here to help you do exactly that. For starters, here is a list of the latest posts on Electric Ukulele Land :-
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Also you will find progressive documentation on some electric ukulele builds :-
Sharkfin Travel Ukulele (built by King Uke) uke
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misterg’s spice rack uke
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Kingcaster Ukulele (King Uke’s Telecaster)
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Various smaller ukulele projects by Daniel Hulbert
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Electric Bass Ukulele
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SU Electric Ukulele
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Tearcaster Electric Ukulele
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Telecaster Electric Ukulele
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Fitting a piezo pickup to an acoustic ukulele
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Electric Ukulele Land’s news pages
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Electric Ukulele Land’s exclusive interview and gig pages
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and other resources for Electric Uke fans such as
and tools such as